Angel's New Friends

Published by Extasy Books
ISBN: 978-1-55487-305-0
Available in: Adobe Acrobat, Palm DOC/iSolo, Microsoft Reader, Hiebook, HTML, Mobipocket, Rocket, Epub, Sony PDF, Sony LRF

In Angel's New Friends, an adorable, but curious bunny named Angel goes exploring into the forbidden forest, ocean, and farm in search of new friends.

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"What are you going to do today?" Butterfly asked.

Angel wrinkled her nose. "I'm going to find some new friends to play with!" she announced as she hopped away.

"No, you can't!" Butterfly warned, nervously flying around Angel in circles.

"I'm a big girl," Angel stubbornly answered as she washed her face. "Besides, I heard Froggy telling neighbor Groundhog that he met some very nice forest animals on his vacation."

"But you'll get into trouble, Angel. Those animals and insects aren't our kind. You have to stay in the garden."

"I don't care, Butterfly. I'm going to see who's in there," Angel said and scurried into the dark forest.