Squeaky Squirrel

Published by Extasy Books
ISBN: 978-1-4874-0172-6
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Squeaky Squirrel is a shy little squirrel with a squeaky voice. He fears most everything, especially change. He doubts he'll ever want to leave his family, but knows that the day will come when he'll be expected to leave his home to start his own family. When he meets Sally Squirrel he learns that what is most important is being liked for who you are on the inside.

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Deep in the forest, a little squirrel named Squeaky lived with his mother and father, older brother, Sam, and twin sisters, Jenny and Julie. Actually, Squeaky's real name was Simon, but he'd been nicknamed Squeaky because every time he talked, his voice made squeaky sounds.

All through the long summer days, Squeaky and his brother and sisters frolicked and swung back and forth from tree to tree as they chased one another in a game of tag. Squeaky loved summertime best of all and wished it would last forever, but when he felt the first nip in the gentle winds that blew through the trees, he knew that it would soon be time to go back to school. He didn't mind school. He'd just rather be playing in the forest all day.