Shattered Vows

Published by: World Castle Publishing
Paperback ISBN:978-1951642006
Genre:Contemporary/Women's Fiction
Release Date:11/18/2019

Farrel Drake wants a normal family life for herself and her two daughters from her first marriage. She meets and marries Robert, and their two families combine. Shortly after their marriage, verbal abuse, beatings, and broken promises become an almost everyday occurrence.


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Hours later, Farrel lay in the king-sized bed she shared with her husband. She desperately wanted to fall into a deep sleep and be swept away to that place where she was protected and loved. Only her dreams provided her with the life she yearned for—the safe place in her subconscious where her husband adored her and her children. But sleep didn’t come, and she was faced with the cold, harsh truth of what her life really was. This was her reality.

She lay in bed, trying to focus on the positives of her life. There had to be some. No, the only bright spot was her daughters. They were all she lived for. They deserved so much more out of life. She’d long ago given up on finding any happiness for herself but wanted her daughters to have everything that had been denied her. Her girls needed her to be strong. They needed her to set the example they would follow. She couldn’t let them down.

The hell she was living was worse than death. Slowly, over the years, parts of herself had passed away, victim of a long and painful death. Farrel had been unaware of it until one day she didn’t know herself anymore. The smile and forced happiness she showed to the world was just a mask covering the person she’d become. All that was left was a hollow shell.