Movie Scripts and Plays


Yesterday, Today and Forever

A grandmother explains to her two young grandchildren not only the true meaning of Christmas, but also the miracles Jesus performed.


Maggie Quinn

A daring escape from 1840's Ireland in search of a better life in America tests a young woman's faith and endurance.

In 1840's Ireland, with most of her family wiped out from disease and the fields ravaged by the potato famine, Maggie Quinn, along with her younger brother Patrick, realizes she has no choice but to leave her beloved Ireland. Leaving Ireland isn't as easy as she thinks and she's forced to make a daring escape for the better life she's been told awaits her in America.


Twisted Lives (Based On My Novel)

When a series of murders hits too close to home, a detective's life is ripped apart forcing him to question everyone and everything he's ever believed in.

Daniel and his partner, Ben Wilson, are hot on the trail of a murderer who appears to kill just for the pleasure of it, but they soon realize that the case is more complicated than they thought.


The Stalker (Based On My Novel)

Nothing or no one can stop him as he makes his way from Pittsburgh to Boston in search of the only woman who ever cared about him.

Jeremy Talbot is a lonely, troubled young man whose only friends are the demon voices he hears in his mind. His obsession with a young woman named Rebecca Walker leads him on a murderous rampage; he tries in vain to win her love and prove that the demons are wrong when they taunt him, declaring that she doesn't care for him.